Grain procurement

Grain Procurement Departament
Contact us!
We procure grain year-round and are the largest grain buyer in the Podlaskie and Warmian-Masurian regions as part of the Agrocentrum Group and Agrocentrum Holding Group.

Marek Fiedorczyk
Head of Procurement Department
We source grain from trusted
We can store up to 100 000 tons of raw materials at any given time. This allows us to maintain a high level of grain selection based on its technological parameters.
Our warehouse locations
Podlaskie region
18-500 Kolnoul. Kolejowa 1
19-200 Grajewoul. Ściegiennego 2
Warmian-Masurian region
12-200 PiszKałęczyn 8
11-500 Giżyckoul. Moniuszki 15
19-411 ŚwiętajnoDunajek 29
Lubelskie region
22-510 UchanieOdletajka 41
22-425 Grabowiecul. Wojsławska 80
22-100 ChełmStrupin Duży
22-151 StawStaw 62a